The Glasgow Naturalist 27:3 (2020) A summary is presented of the bird species recorded in Glasgow Botanic Gardens, in the period 1998-2020. Comparisons are made against similar bird lists made over the past 100 years, with trends and changes described and discussed. A few observations of unusual and rarely seen species are included. The Birds of Glasgow Botanic Gardens is from the Glasgow Naturalist and authored by Chris McInerny. Scottish Birds 39:4 p343 Although written by two members of the Lothian Branch of the SOC, the information and advice is relevant to everyone. This short article explains why submitting records is good, what to submit and how.
Scottish Birds 39:1 (2019) p24-27
Scottish Birds 33:4 (2013) p340-342 Clare Darlaston of the charity Concern for Swifts (Scotland) describes her personal experiences of seeing catastrophic declines in the Swift population of Glasgow as well as results of her surveys. Read her article here. The Glasgow Naturalist (1912) Although Beith is just outside the Clyde Area (by a few miles), it seems worthwhile to reproduce this record from over a hundred years ago here. Then Willow Tits, Corn Buntings & Corncrake still bred, Yellow Wagtails and Lapwings were 'abundant' and a rare Baillon's Crake was also recorded. Read more here
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