Online Clyde Bird Reports
Many people are aware of the excellent Online Scottish Bird Report (OSBR) that has been available for some time. It is frustrating however when looking for records of birds in the Clyde area that one has to scroll though all those species that have never occurred in Clyde.
For example, of 18 species of bunting recorded in Scotland, only five of these have been recorded in Clyde. For warblers, 57 have been recorded in Scotland, 11 in Clyde. We worked with Ian Andrews and Stephen Hunter who manage the OSBR, to create a customised version just for the Clyde area – a first for any SOC recording area.
From this page you can interactively explore all past Clyde bird reports from 1968 to 2011. We are working to clear the backlog. Select by any combination of species/year. You can also select all species for a single year (effectively a bird report for that year). Select ‘all’ from the drop down species list and you can also then choose which species order you would like to see the report in. Any of your searches can be printed by selecting the printer icon.
Some examples of the sorts of queries you can make: When was the Hooded Merganser at Lochwinnoch? When was the first Nuthatch recorded and how have they increased? Was Corn Bunting ever common and when was the last record? What is the relative status of the three diver species recorded? Has Great Snipe has ever been recorded in Clyde? Make sure you tick the additional material box if you want records that haven’t made it into annual bird reports.
SOC is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC009859. Material on this website is fully protected by copyright law, and may not be used or reproduced in any form without prior written permission © SOC Clyde Branch 2022-2025