Tuesday 1 June 2021
No records.
Wednesday 2 June 2021
No records of note.
Thursday 3 June 2021
A Spotted Flycatcher still in the urban situation at Lauderdale Park, Hyndland.
Unusually, a Great Crested Grebe and a Common Tern on River Clyde off Dalmuir.
Friday 4 June 2021
A singing Reed Warbler still at Newshot Island; nearby an Osprey drifting downstream over Erskine shore.
A singing Wood Warbler at the Georgeton end of BAE Systems, Bishopton is a first for the site.
Of interest a movement of Crossbills noted in the morning with 12 over Erskine and five south over Muirhouse, Motherwell.
At South Medwin Pools, 25 adult Shelducks with three broods, totalling 18.
Saturday 5 June 2021
A male Garganey on Aird Meadow, RSPB Lochwinnoch.
Sunday 6 June
A Marsh Harrier, heading NE, over Loch Lomond in the morning.
Unusually a female Redstart in hawthorns by the Allander Water at Bardowie.
Monday 7 June
A possible Common Rosefinch near the car park for Carrick Golf Club, west Loch Lomond. A finch-like bird with a red breast was heard singing and briefly seen.
No records.
Wednesday 2 June 2021
No records of note.
Thursday 3 June 2021
A Spotted Flycatcher still in the urban situation at Lauderdale Park, Hyndland.
Unusually, a Great Crested Grebe and a Common Tern on River Clyde off Dalmuir.
Friday 4 June 2021
A singing Reed Warbler still at Newshot Island; nearby an Osprey drifting downstream over Erskine shore.
A singing Wood Warbler at the Georgeton end of BAE Systems, Bishopton is a first for the site.
Of interest a movement of Crossbills noted in the morning with 12 over Erskine and five south over Muirhouse, Motherwell.
At South Medwin Pools, 25 adult Shelducks with three broods, totalling 18.
Saturday 5 June 2021
A male Garganey on Aird Meadow, RSPB Lochwinnoch.
Sunday 6 June
A Marsh Harrier, heading NE, over Loch Lomond in the morning.
Unusually a female Redstart in hawthorns by the Allander Water at Bardowie.
Monday 7 June
A possible Common Rosefinch near the car park for Carrick Golf Club, west Loch Lomond. A finch-like bird with a red breast was heard singing and briefly seen.

Tuesday 8 June
Two Quails calling at Sliddery, Isle of Arran.
Five Crossbills over Glebe Farm, Kirk o' Shotts.
Wednesday 9 June
No records
Thursday 10 June
No records
Friday 11 June
BBC News featured today with the support of NatureScot (formerly SNH) that a pair of White-tailed Eagles have been on territory at Loch Lomond since March (although not seen recently). If you missed the report, use this link. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-57428986
Saturday 12 June
Two excellent records of rare species in Clyde today after quiet times
A female Woodchat Shrike at Ardmore, just after the railway crossing on a fence post at the ruins of Ardmore Farm NS325787, first seen at midday and again early evening. Third record for Clyde and Dunbartonshire.
A female Red-necked Phalarope at South Medwin Pools, near Dunsyre (note access only from Dunsyre at the moment). First record for Lanarkshire and fifth for Clyde; also still 26 adult Shelducks and 18 ducklings.
Sunday 13 June
No sign of the Woodchat Shrike today at Ardmore today, but a Puffin off the south side was an extremely rare sighting.
No sign of the Red-necked Phalarope at South Medwin Pools, but a Little Ringed Plover present.
Unusually a Wood Warbler in song at Mains Plantation, Milngavie.
Monday 14 June
Six (four drakes) Common Scoters on Camps Reservoir, near Crawford.
An Osprey at Cochno Loch, Kilpatrick Hills.
A Rose-coloured-Starling coming to feeders at Strathwillan, Isle of Arran.
Two Quails calling at Sliddery, Isle of Arran.
Five Crossbills over Glebe Farm, Kirk o' Shotts.
Wednesday 9 June
No records
Thursday 10 June
No records
Friday 11 June
BBC News featured today with the support of NatureScot (formerly SNH) that a pair of White-tailed Eagles have been on territory at Loch Lomond since March (although not seen recently). If you missed the report, use this link. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-57428986
Saturday 12 June
Two excellent records of rare species in Clyde today after quiet times
A female Woodchat Shrike at Ardmore, just after the railway crossing on a fence post at the ruins of Ardmore Farm NS325787, first seen at midday and again early evening. Third record for Clyde and Dunbartonshire.
A female Red-necked Phalarope at South Medwin Pools, near Dunsyre (note access only from Dunsyre at the moment). First record for Lanarkshire and fifth for Clyde; also still 26 adult Shelducks and 18 ducklings.
Sunday 13 June
No sign of the Woodchat Shrike today at Ardmore today, but a Puffin off the south side was an extremely rare sighting.
No sign of the Red-necked Phalarope at South Medwin Pools, but a Little Ringed Plover present.
Unusually a Wood Warbler in song at Mains Plantation, Milngavie.
Monday 14 June
Six (four drakes) Common Scoters on Camps Reservoir, near Crawford.
An Osprey at Cochno Loch, Kilpatrick Hills.
A Rose-coloured-Starling coming to feeders at Strathwillan, Isle of Arran.

Tuesday 15 June
No records
Wednesday 16 June
A Rose-coloured Starling at Sliddery, Isle of Arran could be the same as the one at Strathwillan recently.
Rather late news of a local rarity of a Common Rosefinch at feeders in a Helensburgh garden. (Fifth accepted record for Clyde and second for Dunbartonshire)
Thursday 17 June
It appears that there are/were at least three Rose-coloured Starlings on Arran with sightings from Sliddery, Lamlash and Brodick
A female Long-tailed Duck on the small pond at Drumpellier Country Park, Coatbridge.
Friday 18 June
A Rose-coloured Starling, now ringed, coming to another Sliddery garden.
Saturday 19 June
A Red Kite over Loch Fad, Isle of Bute.
A Red Kite drifting high east over Millfield Hill, Erskine, at 1005 hrs.
Sunday 20 June
Two Common Terns west along River Clyde at Bell's Bridge, Glasgow at 1030 hrs.
Monday 21 June
No records
No records
Wednesday 16 June
A Rose-coloured Starling at Sliddery, Isle of Arran could be the same as the one at Strathwillan recently.
Rather late news of a local rarity of a Common Rosefinch at feeders in a Helensburgh garden. (Fifth accepted record for Clyde and second for Dunbartonshire)
Thursday 17 June
It appears that there are/were at least three Rose-coloured Starlings on Arran with sightings from Sliddery, Lamlash and Brodick
A female Long-tailed Duck on the small pond at Drumpellier Country Park, Coatbridge.
Friday 18 June
A Rose-coloured Starling, now ringed, coming to another Sliddery garden.
Saturday 19 June
A Red Kite over Loch Fad, Isle of Bute.
A Red Kite drifting high east over Millfield Hill, Erskine, at 1005 hrs.
Sunday 20 June
Two Common Terns west along River Clyde at Bell's Bridge, Glasgow at 1030 hrs.
Monday 21 June
No records

Tuesday 22 June
No records
Wednesday 23 June
No records
Thursday 24 June
No records
Friday 25 June
2 Green Sandpipers at RSPB Baron's Haugh early this morning.
Saturday 26 June
6 Ospreys over Loch Thom.
A Little Ringed Plover at Longhaugh Point.
Sunday 27 June
A Rose-coloured Starling (Rosy Starling) in a private garden in Hamilton, no public access.
A female Long-tailed Duck in the small pond at Drumpellier CP.
A Quail calling in a crop field west of Balmore Pool in the field with a pylon.
Monday 28 June
A Rose-coloured Starling again but only briefly in a private garden in Hamilton.
No records
Wednesday 23 June
No records
Thursday 24 June
No records
Friday 25 June
2 Green Sandpipers at RSPB Baron's Haugh early this morning.
Saturday 26 June
6 Ospreys over Loch Thom.
A Little Ringed Plover at Longhaugh Point.
Sunday 27 June
A Rose-coloured Starling (Rosy Starling) in a private garden in Hamilton, no public access.
A female Long-tailed Duck in the small pond at Drumpellier CP.
A Quail calling in a crop field west of Balmore Pool in the field with a pylon.
Monday 28 June
A Rose-coloured Starling again but only briefly in a private garden in Hamilton.
Tuesday 29 June
A Rose-coloured Starling again in a private garden in Hamilton.
A Great Northern Diver in full summer plumage in Whiting Bay, Arran.
Wednesday 30 June
Late news from the weekend of an unusual sighting of a Barn Owl being taken by a Buzzard between Larkhall and Stonehouse.
A Rose-coloured Starling again in a private garden in Hamilton.
A Great Northern Diver in full summer plumage in Whiting Bay, Arran.
Wednesday 30 June
Late news from the weekend of an unusual sighting of a Barn Owl being taken by a Buzzard between Larkhall and Stonehouse.