Where to find news of recent sightings
There are several ways to find out about the latest sightings in the Clyde area.
There are several ways to find out about the latest sightings in the Clyde area.
Daily Grapevine
SOC members can subscribe to a Daily Grapevine email summarising the sighting highlights of the day from across the region. The Grapevine also incorporates images of birds and other wildlife, shares details of forthcoming branch meetings and also alerts members to national and local environmental notices and potential developments that might threaten a site. Monthly summaries are published on this website too - see under RECORDING > Grapevine Archive in the navigation menu. An example of the communication is shown on this page. To subscribe to the Daily Grapevine, please email Val Wilson (Assistant Recorder for Clyde Recording Area). Not a member yet? Join online here. Clyde SOC Bird News WhatsApp Group
SOC members can also subscribe to a WhatsApp group for more instant news. To subscribe to the group, please email Val Wilson. Not a member yet? Join online here. Social Media provides more options for reading about recent sightings - including tweets from @Clydebirding which are shown on this page. Please note that you don’t need a Twitter account to view the page. Birdwatching in the area? Please tag @Clydebirding in your tweets.
You can also check these Facebook links
Where to Watch Birds in Scotland, SOC's free mobile app is a great way to learn about new places to watch birds. You will also find that records submitted to BirdTrack will appear in the App under each site. Find out more about the App or use the buttons below on your mobile device to install the app for free.
Recent changes to X (Twitter) may mean this feed no longer works. We will continue to monitor the situation.