Next 'in-person' Talk:
The next in-person meeting of the 2022/23 season will be held in the Garnethill Room, Renfield Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP at 7:30 pm. See below for further details about the venue.
A presentation by David Anderson will be followed by an important announcement regarding the Local Recorder function of the Clyde Branch.
All, especially new members, are encouraged to attend to meet the new Clyde Branch Recorder team. This will be followed by an informal social evening.
There will be an admittance charge of £3 which covers our venue rental fee and the cost of refreshments and nibbles.
RSPB Baron’s Haugh: A Wetter, Better Future
with David Anderson
Summary: Baron’s Haugh is a gem of a reserve nestled in the heart of central Scotland, providing diverse habitats, brilliant wildlife, and great access for people. At the same time, it is facing many challenges caused by the impact of flooding and river erosion. RSPB are embarking on ambitious project to tackle these challenges and create a fantastic reserve that will deliver for people and wildlife into the future.
David Anderson has been the warden at RSPB Baron’s Haugh for the past 3 years, prior to this he worked on RSPB projects including the Inner Forth Futurescape and the Garnock Connections. Much of David’s work has been based around delivering nature-based solutions to the challenges faced by climate change. While working on the Inner Forth project this included helping deliver managed realignment projects which helped deliver fantastic habitat for wildlife as well as demonstrating how we can adapt to the increased flood risk caused by climate change. Prior to these roles David has worked with the RSPB at the Loch Garten Osprey Centre.
New Venue
This will be our second meeting in our new venue of the Renfield St Stephen’s Centre. This is towards the Charing Cross end of Bath Street, close to the
King’s Theatre and Charing Cross railway station. Car parking should be available in the adjacent streets once the parking regulation hours have passed.
After some research, the branch committee chose the Renfield St Stephen’s Centre as our new venue. We will need to pay the commercial rate for the hire of the premises, and we will need to supply our own AV equipment. This unfortunately means that we will need to charge an attendance fee to cover the branch expenses. Based on the average number attending meetings at the old venue, it is proposed that we charge an entrance fee of £3. There will be no additional charge for the tea, coffee, and biscuits. The fee will be reduced to £1 for students and for others at the discretion of the committee. It would be very helpful if you could bring with you the exact amount of £3. We do not have any debit card handling facility.
If you know you do not receive branch notices but would like to, you can sign up here. Click to join the SOC .
Ian Fulton
Clyde Branch Secretary
[email protected]
A presentation by David Anderson will be followed by an important announcement regarding the Local Recorder function of the Clyde Branch.
All, especially new members, are encouraged to attend to meet the new Clyde Branch Recorder team. This will be followed by an informal social evening.
There will be an admittance charge of £3 which covers our venue rental fee and the cost of refreshments and nibbles.
RSPB Baron’s Haugh: A Wetter, Better Future
with David Anderson
Summary: Baron’s Haugh is a gem of a reserve nestled in the heart of central Scotland, providing diverse habitats, brilliant wildlife, and great access for people. At the same time, it is facing many challenges caused by the impact of flooding and river erosion. RSPB are embarking on ambitious project to tackle these challenges and create a fantastic reserve that will deliver for people and wildlife into the future.
David Anderson has been the warden at RSPB Baron’s Haugh for the past 3 years, prior to this he worked on RSPB projects including the Inner Forth Futurescape and the Garnock Connections. Much of David’s work has been based around delivering nature-based solutions to the challenges faced by climate change. While working on the Inner Forth project this included helping deliver managed realignment projects which helped deliver fantastic habitat for wildlife as well as demonstrating how we can adapt to the increased flood risk caused by climate change. Prior to these roles David has worked with the RSPB at the Loch Garten Osprey Centre.
New Venue
This will be our second meeting in our new venue of the Renfield St Stephen’s Centre. This is towards the Charing Cross end of Bath Street, close to the
King’s Theatre and Charing Cross railway station. Car parking should be available in the adjacent streets once the parking regulation hours have passed.
After some research, the branch committee chose the Renfield St Stephen’s Centre as our new venue. We will need to pay the commercial rate for the hire of the premises, and we will need to supply our own AV equipment. This unfortunately means that we will need to charge an attendance fee to cover the branch expenses. Based on the average number attending meetings at the old venue, it is proposed that we charge an entrance fee of £3. There will be no additional charge for the tea, coffee, and biscuits. The fee will be reduced to £1 for students and for others at the discretion of the committee. It would be very helpful if you could bring with you the exact amount of £3. We do not have any debit card handling facility.
If you know you do not receive branch notices but would like to, you can sign up here. Click to join the SOC .
Ian Fulton
Clyde Branch Secretary
[email protected]