TIME: 08:45 - 16:00 ( (approximate time of return to Hogganfield)
LEADER: Donald Wilson
VENUE: Errol, Perthshire. Grid Ref NO25262267. Postcode PH2 7QS.
I propose that we meet at 08:45 at Hogganfield Loch car park, Grid Ref NS638671 Postcode G33 1QB and drive to Errol in fewer cars. I can take three passengers. The journey time from Hogganfield to Errol is about 1 hour 20 minutes.
BIRDS WE HOPE TO SEE: Our key target will be Bearded Tit, but we would hope to see other reedbed specialists such as Water Rail, as well as farmland birds en-route. On the way back we could drop in to Scone Palace to look for Hawfinch.
OPTICS: Binoculars are essential and a telescope could be useful.
Rough and muddy paths.
FOOTWEAR and CLOTHING: Sturdy boots and warm, waterproof clothing. It is advisable to check the weather forecast beforehand.
The SOC's excellent App, about which more information can be found here: "Where to Watch Birds in Scotland" has a good descriptive entry for the Tay Reed Beds and is well worth downloading to your phone.
IMPORTANT: Please contact me so that I know you are coming, and so that I can contact you in case we have to cancel. Donald Wilson, 07941 912506.
TIME: 08:45 - 16:00 ( (approximate time of return to Hogganfield)
LEADER: Donald Wilson
VENUE: Errol, Perthshire. Grid Ref NO25262267. Postcode PH2 7QS.
I propose that we meet at 08:45 at Hogganfield Loch car park, Grid Ref NS638671 Postcode G33 1QB and drive to Errol in fewer cars. I can take three passengers. The journey time from Hogganfield to Errol is about 1 hour 20 minutes.
BIRDS WE HOPE TO SEE: Our key target will be Bearded Tit, but we would hope to see other reedbed specialists such as Water Rail, as well as farmland birds en-route. On the way back we could drop in to Scone Palace to look for Hawfinch.
OPTICS: Binoculars are essential and a telescope could be useful.
Rough and muddy paths.
FOOTWEAR and CLOTHING: Sturdy boots and warm, waterproof clothing. It is advisable to check the weather forecast beforehand.
The SOC's excellent App, about which more information can be found here: "Where to Watch Birds in Scotland" has a good descriptive entry for the Tay Reed Beds and is well worth downloading to your phone.
IMPORTANT: Please contact me so that I know you are coming, and so that I can contact you in case we have to cancel. Donald Wilson, 07941 912506.